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A member registered Dec 25, 2018

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Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

This link works.

It also looks like the new version doesn't start with a tree. Is there any other way to get a sapling?

I don't know why it isn't working then, but this is the screen I recieve.

Follow up: The discord link in the game's description is invalid.

I just want to make sure I'm not missing any parts of the game yet (v0.0.1) as of right now is there any actions aside from planting and cutting down trees?

(3 edits)

Wow, thanks for the quick response!

No worries about it getting out of control, I always like reading stuff like that anyway, and it usually ends up being really helpful (like the language selector thingy)

Really excited to keep up with the updates for this, no regrets about purchasing whatsoever :)

Edit: Where can I access the patreon for this game and/or your game(s)?

Edit #2: This is just a recommendation that may or may not be really simple, but a full-screen mode or a method to change the resolution would be helpful. (again, I don't do uh... any coding. So I have no idea if this is an easy thing to do or not.)

Edit #3 (I'm sorry): When one party decides to decline their dare, the wrong party is punished. Ex. Man declines dare, he's meant to lose a diamond and the Women is meant to gain one, where actually, the reverse happens. Unless, the person declining the dare isn't actually the person receiving it, and is instead the opposite party.

I'm not sure if that made any sense...

(1 edit)

Hey, 100% interested in the long-distance version, as well as the LGBT version. Is the game still being worked on and updated to potentially include these?

edit: Also, is it possible to add your own dares to the game, either through the game itself or through the game's files?

Mate... I'm pretty sure that's the point. It did say, if you bring the last flag, all the servers will shut down.

The story only makes sense if you read the story.

Really Interesting and cool game! Puts a spin on boring books, while not being as complicated as visual novels. I know you're working on your next game, but I hope at some point you'll come back to this and show us many more chapters to come!